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Discover India (Goa) : Ayurvedic massage + foot reflexology + face, neck and head massage

A refreshing experience for body and mind that restores the balance in your energy channels (chakras), calms, revives and mentally rejuvenates you. Ideal both with your partner or with a friend or family member in our refined luxurious and soothing oriental massage rooms. During the massage, this pampering moment introduces you to the energy-stimulating Ayurvedic oil, the restorative power of foot reflexology and the wonderful mental peace during face and head massage.

 After the massage of your foot reflex zones frees you from a number of essential blockages and thus improves your blood circulation, you can enjoy the Ayurvedic massage more intensely. By using a specific herbal massage oil for your own dosha type, it brings your energetic life forces back into balance. You will experience the final facial massage as a miracle cure against stress and tension that visibly disappear from your body.

The massage package Goa includes the following:

  • Introduction of the package, your specific points of attention and determination of your "dosha type"
  • Massage of the reflex zones in your feet (foot reflexology) ( 15 min)
  • Ayurvedic massage ( 60 min or 75 min )
  • Face, neck and head massage (15 min or 30 min including facial spa)

Duration package: 90 min or 120 min



  • 1 Person (90min) € 105 (online = 100 EUR)
  • 1 Person (120min) € 130 (online = 125 EUR)
  • 2 People (90min) € 195 (online = 185 EUR)
  • 2 People (120min) € 250 (online = 240 EUR)


  • 1 Person (90min) € 105 (online = 100 EUR)
  • 1 Person (120min) € 130 (online = 125 EUR)
  • 2 People (90min) € 195 (online = 185 EUR)
  • 2 People (120min) € 250 (online = 240 EUR)

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